Dock here and browse

i've made an internet browser with graphical overlay that weights 88 KB. Do any of you have an idea of the weight it will be when exported as stand alone with all the DX engine... Thank you for your answer.
on Mar 09, 2004
What do you mean? Only DX Professional-generated .EXEs contain the runtime files (3rd export option, Pro-only). Standard standalone widgets (2nd export option, Enhanced and Pro-only) use the installed DX runtime, though they still run as standalone. The first are obviously a bit larger, but it is only about disk space. Memory used is less than the one used in DX for both, but still, the runtime RAM space used by all three options (.dxpack, .EXE, Pro .EXE) is very small, and most of it depends on the graphic files used for the objects.
on Mar 09, 2004
I mean how much larger will the Pro exe be compared to the standard widget exe.